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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Airports are wonderful places… if you are a masochist. After a horrid checking in experience and a flight attended by the rudest airline attendants I have ever met, I finally landed in Charlotte. I was probably not displaying my sweetest dispositions at the time.
A bathroom break was first on the list. I pulled into this overcrowded bathroom and immediately was assaulted by the stench of colonic distress. Great!! This day keeps getting better. Waiting in line I noticed that they had a bathroom attendant. Hmmmm….Charlotte must be doing well. As I am covering my face to keep me from gagging, I am thinking to myself “Wow, this has to be the suckiest job ever”. Valerie (the bathroom attendant) proved me wrong. This woman was the happiest person I have met in a long time (not perky, I hate perky). She took great pride in her job. She made sure everyone was happy and well taken care of. She was hustling about greeting people, asking them if they needed anything, give a sniffling elderly lady a tissue, picking up a dropped toy for a toddler. And when there was nothing to do, she just happily sang, and with a gorgeous voice at that. She brought sunshine to this hole. She made us forget that it was stinky and that we were impatiently waiting in line. She truly made the best of every moment at hand. (She was being where she was at… see previous post on this topic). She succeeded in sweetening my disposition and bringing a genuine smile back to my face.

How many times are we faced with “sucky” circumstances? How do we react? With a smile and a song or with a lot of complaining and whinning? Are we making the best of what life dishes out even if it stinks?
Being happy should not depend on our circumstances. It’s a choice we make every day when we get up. The destination might be great but if we don’t enjoy the trip and learn something along the way, we missed out on life.

PS: This is a pic of Valerie

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in
October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to
connect battered women’s advocates across the nation who were working to end violence
against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became a special week when a
range of activities were conducted at the local, state, and national levels.
These activities were as varied and diverse as the program sponsors but had common
themes: mourning those who have died because of domestic violence, celebrating those
who have survived, and connecting those who work to end violence.
In October 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed. That same
year the first national toll-free hotline was begun. In 1989 the first Domestic Violence Awareness
Month Commemorative Legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress. Such legislation has passed
every year since with NCADV providing key leadership in this effort.

The purple ribbon campaign: Across the country, families and friends of victims of domestic
violence have adopted the purple ribbon to honor loved ones who have lost their lives at the hands
of someone they loved and trusted. The display of purple ribbons conveys a powerful message
that there is no place for domestic violence in the homes, neighborhoods, schools, or workplaces
in our community.

Talk to your family: Open communication about domestic violence, including appropriate
behavior and boundaries, especially when dating, and what to do if you experience any type of
behavior outside of these boundaries is important.

Speak up: If you have reason to suspect someone you know is a victim of domestic violence--do
not ignore it. Should you witness abuse, whether it is someone you know or a complete stranger,
call the police immediately. If you know someone who is a perpetrator, let him or her know it is a
crime. Explain you strongly disapprove of their behavior and encourage him or her to get help.



Bullying sucks!!!
But I don't believe you will ever eliminate all the bullies. Teach your kids good self esteem, proper responses and you will much better off. Plus you will instill in your kids an attitude that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Is Your Child Being Bullied? 9 Steps You Can Take as a Parent

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No magic pill

H2O: Dangerous Chemical!

A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."
And for plenty of good reasons, since:

• it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
• it is a major component in acid rain
• it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
• accidental inhalation can kill you
• it contributes to erosion
• it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
• it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.
Forty-three (43) said yes,
six (6) were undecided,
and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.

The title of his prize winning project was, "How Gullible Are We?"
He feels the conclusion is obvious.

His project illustrates a good point about a lot of things. This is a SD site so let's talk SD. How many SD instructors claim they are the greatest, their never fail technique will save your life, come and take my magic pill and you will be Wonder Woman.
Let's do the research and let's not be afraid to ask the right questions and put the system to a test BEFORE we rely on it to save our lives. Don’t be afraid to call H2O, water

There is NO magic pill out there!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do not give in to the dark side

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

I was watching Stan Lee’s superheroes episode when Steve Santini made an appearance. Steve is a master escapologist. But what makes him stand out is that he first puts himself in a “saw” type situation, where if he doesn’t escape he will suffer a painful debilitating death (impailed, stabbed,..). They had an EMT hook him up to a heart rate monitor during the entire process. During the beginning phase when he gets secured in the “trap”, his heart rate went up to 109, not incredibly high but definitely higher than resting pulse. When the dangerous part of the escape came by, Steve was able to slow his heart rate down to 73 bpm. This allowed him the ease of a more focus mind and steadier hands.
I saw another TV shows that were in the same lines: Fight Science: the Navy Seals. They had a Navy Seal do a predetermined course where he had to use all his navy seals skills, from running, climbing, balancing, crawling, shooting accurately, and making the difference between a good guy and a bad guy. They had a base guideline from having the same course done but other people. After the Navy Seal did the course incredibly well (faster and more accurately than the base guideline) he was to submerge in an icy bath for 45 minutes. Normally 10 minutes of this treatment will deteriorate anyone’s physical skills. After the 45 minute icy bath, he was to repeat the same course he did before. He was able to not only complete it successfully but he increased his performance time by only a few seconds. The majority of people would not have been able to do any of the fine motor skills like balancing and shooting. He performed extremely well.
What those 2 stories have in common? Training. Training your mind and body to respond well under extreme stress. It is not only possible, it is necessary for survival in a life and death self defense situation. The better you are at functioning under stress, the faster you will respond properly to a stressful situation, and the least likely you will be to freeze under pressure.
While you don’t have to go to the training extreme of a navy seal, you can still train well and appropriately.
In Yoda’s wise words, learn control while you experiencing fear, learn to experience less “suffering”. Do not give in to the dark side.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't miss !!!

Great seminar to attend:
Preparing for real world violence
Seminar 1:
• Legal and Ethical Implications
• Violence Dynamics
• De-escalation

We will cover theory and practical application through drills and live scenarios

Time: Sunday, October 24 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: 2210 Silver Lake Rd, New Brighton, Minnesota

This seminar series is open to anyone interested.
No experience necessary

Contact me for registration


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tips To Prevent Car Theft

• Take Your Keys. Nearly 20 percent of all vehicles stolen have the keys in them.
• Lock Your Car. Approximately 50 percent of all vehicles stolen were left unlocked.
• Never Hide a Second Set of Keys in Your Car. Extra keys can be easily found if a thief takes time to look.
• Park in Well-lighted Areas. Over half of all vehicle thefts occur at night.
• Park in Attended Lots. Auto thieves do not like witnesses and prefer unattended parking lots.
• If You Park in an Attended Lot, Leave Only the Ignition/Door Key. If your trunk and glovebox use the same key as the door, have one of them changed. Don't give the attendant easy access to your glovebox and trunk. Upon returning, check the tires, spare tire, and battery to be sure they are the same as those you had when you parked.
• Never Leave Your Car Running, Even if You'll Only be Gone For a Minute. Vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, gas stations, ATMs, etc. Many vehicles are also stolen on cold mornings when the owner leaves the vehicle running to warm up.
• Completely Close Car Windows When Parking. Don't make it any easier for the thief to enter your vehicle.
• Don't Leave Valuables in Plain View. Don't make your car a more desirable target and attract thieves by leaving valuables in plain sight.
• Park With Your Wheels Turned Toward the Curb. Make your car tough to tow away. Wheels should also be turned to the side in driveways and parking lots.
• If Your Vehicle is Rear-Wheel Drive, Back into Your Driveway. Rear wheels lock on four-wheel drive vehicles, making them difficult to tow. Front-wheel drive vehicles should be parked front end first.
• Always Use Your Emergency Brake When Parking. In addition to ensuring safety, using the emergency brake makes your car harder to tow.
• If You Have a Garage, Use It. If you have a garage, take the time to use it rather than parking outside where your vehicle is more vulnerable.
• When parking in a Garage, Lock the Garage Door and Your Vehicle. By locking both the garage and vehicle doors, the chances of deterring a thief greatly improve.
• Don't leave the registration or Title in Your Car. A car thief will use these to sell your stolen car. File the title at your home or office, and carry registration in your purse or wallet.
• Disable Your Vehicle When Leaving it Unattended for an Extended Period. Remove the electronic ignition fuse, coil wire, rotor distributor, or otherwise disable your vehicle anytime thieves may have extended access to it.
• Replace T-Shaped Door Locks With Straight Locks. Some vehicle doors have lock assemblies at window level that flare out in a knob or "T" shape. A thief can use various tools to gain access inside the vehicle, grab and pull the lock. Straight locks prevent this.
• Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Stolen cars/parts are more easily traced when vehicle VIN numbers have been etched on car windows and major parts.
• Engrave Expensive Accessories. Engrave personal ID numbers on car stereos, cellular phones, etc., so the thief will have difficulty disposing of them.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The order of things

The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.
-Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unhealthy relationships

Avoidance for women doesn't just mean to stay out of “fight potential” situations but also out of unhealthy relationships. Trust your instinct when it comes to dating. If you have those nagging feelings that something is not quite right, GO WITH IT !!! If someone is asking you out for anything and you do not feel comfortable about it for whatever reason, do yourself a huge favor and say NO.
Communicate that “no” in a completely unconditional manner. Leave no opening for someone to grab hold of, leave no doubt in his mind.
Don’t say: “I like you but I have a lot on my plate right now.” Or “I am not ready for a relationship right now.” In both those statements you left a possibility for the guy to cling to. You did not really say no, you gave him hope and a challenge. Instead say something along the lines of: “I have no romantic interest in you and I am certain I never will.”
There is only one appropriate reaction to this statement: to leave you alone. Anyone who tries to pursue this relationship further has showed a totally inappropriate reaction and I guarantee he will carry on an unhealthy relationship, be it a stalker or an abusive obsessive aggressive man.
Let’s be honest, the biggest complaint women have against their partner/ spouse is that they don’t listen to them, they don’t understand them. So why on God’s green earth would you embark in a relationship with a man who right off the bat doesn’t listen/ hear what you say (NO) or cares about how you feel (I am not ready- I am too busy).
Believe me, no man will pursue you this way because you are so special (sorry to disillusion you) or because he is madly in love with you (he does not know you). Do not fill your head with Hollywood romantic fantasies. It is unhealthy, dangerous and potentially lethal.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Survival of the fittest


Most fights are won or lost in 60 seconds. Attitude, training, physical fitness all work together to attain the “higher ground” aka a dominating position. Does that mean that the fight is over in 60 seconds? Hell no! They can go on for a lot longer than that. But if you are still “winning” in your mind and attitude, you won’t give up. You will keep on fighting until an opening appears and you take it. Always look for a way out.
When you first get attacked you are still functioning at 100%. 10-15 seconds into it, your physical abilities have decreased by 10%. 30 seconds into it, you are down to 55% of your capacities. In 60 seconds, you only have 35% of your steam left.
When you first get confronted by a high risk situation, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in your fight and flight response. Among other things, large amount of adrenaline gets dumped into your system. This is a survival phenomena as old as time. Your body will go into a mode that will shut down what it does not need for immediate survival and increase the functions that it does need. You will experience vasoconstriction, increase in heart rate, breathing. Your body will draw the extra energy from the smaller muscle groups, the forebrain, the 5 senses and give it to the larger muscle group needed to accomplish the task. Thus you will lose fine motor skills (finger gripping), the power of reasoning or critical thinking, peripheral vision and possibly hearing. Basically your body will take everything it has and focus its energy into a condensed burst. This explain all the “little things” happening while you are under duress: tunnel vision, distorted hearing, loss of finger grip, mind going blank, loss of memory and so on.
You can function in that state very well but only for so long. Soon you will burn out or shut down.
This is a reason why training is so important. If this fight or flight” feeling is new to you, it can be very overwhelming. It will make you panic, freeze up. Your heart rate will increase much faster and you will need recovery much quicker. Thus you will gas up and give up a lot sooner because you will be incapable of physically and mentally go any further. If you are more familiar with the feeling, if you are used to train in a high stress zone, if you are able to ‘control” it better, it will take longer for you to reach your peak, thus you will last a lot longer, hopefully longer than your opponent. Remember he is going through the same fight and flight stress phenomena as you. You will be able to think clearer, stay calmer, see things that need to be seen. Compare this to running. If you have never ran before you most likely would not be able to run a marathon. You’d probably be lucky to run ½ mile without your heart exploding out of your chest. But if you train regularly and properly a marathon would be a much easier task that you would be able to complete and survive.
Survival of the fittest is not just about physical fitness but also mental and emotional fitness.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Knife attack myths

Nice reality check

Seems like everyone makes the same mistake: freeze from shock, stay in the attacker's danger zone and tunnel vision on the knife itself