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Friday, October 19, 2012

Here comes trouble

If you want to stay out of trouble , you first need to stay away from places where trouble is most likely to happen!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back off!!!

Choose your boundaries and learn to enforce them. If you do not respect your own boundaries by being too timid or from fear  to be rude to people, other will NOT respect them either. 
And you just typecast yourself as a victim!

Be smart, stay safe!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Train your children well

It's YOUR responsibility to make sure your young kids well prepared. Teach them so they understand WHAT they need to be aware of and how to deal with it. If you yourself are not sure what this encompass, find someone who truly does, not just someone who watches too much Hollywood violence.
Be smart, stay safe!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reality Based self defense training

Do NOT miss this awesome training opportunity.
The first class of the semester starts this coming Sunday, October 7th

This class is engineered for everyone, regardless gender, size, skill level. If you are serious about learning proper self defense and self preservation.... join us!!


Training Dates:
Sunday 10 /7/12
Contact Controls & Joint Locks

Sunday 10/14/12

Sunday 10/21/12
Impact / Drives

Sunday 10/28/12
Counter Assault

Sunday 11/4/12
Ground Skills

Sunday 11/11/12
Vascular Restraints

Sunday 11/18/12
All classes incorporate scenarios and reality based drills.  If you want to participate in the scenario training 11/18/12 you must attend at least three other classes to learn scenario safety protocols

Read more about the class here: